Our Values

Same price for all sizes
The heart of a dog or a cat is immense, regardless of their size. We believe our furry (or hairless) friends should not be discriminated based on the size. Therefore, we made the decision to keep our prices the same for all sizes.
Let’s repeat this.
Same price for all sizes.
Help a rescue charity
Our CEOs Jiro and Emi were rescued by Free Korean Dogs in 2019, a non-profit organization that rescue dogs from the horrific conditions in South Korea. We understand and believe that every dog and cat have the right to live safely in a loving home.
As such, our commitment is to donate a portion of our gross profit to help many non-profit rescue organizations that save animals in our community. Free Korean Dogs is among our most beloved organizations.
To learn more about our fundraising and donations, click on the link below.

Save our planet
Our fabrics are made of 100% cotton. J’em is committed to use high quality materials, and we ensure the planet is not harmed in the process. Cotton is sustainable, renewable, and biodegradable, making it an excellent choice as an environmentally-friendly fiber throughout its entire product life cycle.